Life’s Unexpected Curveballs

Life doesn’t always go as planned but we can choose how we react when it goes awry.


Becca Smith

8/14/20232 min read

yellow and black smiley wall art
yellow and black smiley wall art

I am sitting here at the airport with a delayed flight. Boo, no one likes delays, they’re the worst. This just seemed like a cascade of things. First the flight before was delayed so ours was. Then we had to wait after boarding at the gate for 30 more bags and to have the bathroom toilet pumped. Then we waited our turn on the runway to take off. Then right as the engines gear up the pilot comes on and says there’s an error light on in the cockpit and they have to run a checklist and have a maintenance crew evaluate the plane back at the gate. Then the verdict is, plane is grounded, deplane and go to the complete opposite side of the airport to a new plane. Then at the new gate, no plane…still no plane…still no plane. As I sit here the time keeps getting pushed back father and farther. My poor husband is just waiting on the other end. Thank goodness he was able to drop the kids off with his parents at our destination and go to the airport alone and they’re not waiting endlessly in the car with him.

Frustrating? Yes! Can I do anything about it? Absolutely not. Everyone was lining up to re-board the new plane but there was no plane. I put my stuff down and started doing yoga in the corner and found some new friends to chat with. I am trying to keep a positive attitude, it can always be worse. There could have been a malfunction with the plane while it was in the air, that would be much worse. Life is never perfect and nothing ever goes according to plan, at least not all the time. I can’t control what is happening but I can control how I choose to respond to the challenge, and I choose…YOGA!

woman doing yoga meditation on brown parquet flooring
woman doing yoga meditation on brown parquet flooring

UPDATE: we have a plane :)