DIY Momtrepreneur

A website and blog about attempting to juggle all of the demands of motherhood, family, career, pursuing interests and hobbies, maintaining health and wellness, and engaging in personal growth. Sometimes we succeed, sometimes all the balls come crashing down.

I wrote a book!

This is my first book with I hope many more to come. It is light and fun, and I feel it will resonate with parents and caretakers of young children alike. It is available now on Amazon.

If you're a parent knee-deep in the chaos of raising toddlers or know someone who is, this book is your passport to laughter, relatability, and a hearty dose of parenting camaraderie.

In this side-splitting exploration, we dive into the antics of mealtime mayhem, decode the ever-changing landscape of toddler sleep, and unveil the superpowers our tiny dictators seem to possess. From tantrums that rival Broadway dramas to the mischievous escapades of finding trouble in every corner, each chapter is a rollercoaster ride through the delightful challenges and charms that define parenting toddlers.

Check out my online store

Detour Brand

Find things to help inspire you and make you feel more confident in your everyday life.


Sometimes it's a struggle just to make it through the day, let alone achieve all things you'd like to. Come along with me as we tackle growing careers paired with raising a family, finding time to pursue hobbies and interests, challenging ourselves to grow but most importantly, giving ourselves permission to step back and breathe.

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